Shorten time to market

now that software is eating the world.

In the digital era a key success factor is delivering better software faster. But manually rolling out software on dedicated fysical hardware is time consuming and errorprone. The architures/tools/practices of the old days are no longer on par with the modern business demands. It is time to continuously deliver' cloud native applications. If you're looking for assistance to make the switch, feel free to contact FLuid-IT.


Cloud native architectures

The complete automation of the deployment of huge monolithic systems is just to hard. Best practice is to split up the system in microservices which can be released/rolled out independently of each other. The microservices are run in containers to make optimal use of the cloud resources.

You could even go one step further and opt for serverless. In this case the system is split up in even smaller functions and operations is handed over to the cloud platform.


Continuous delivery

Using build pipelines to automatically deliver software systems

Often the major driver to adopt microservices, is to deliver software more frequently. Each service/function will have it's own build pipeline.

Pipelines are not only reserved to roll out software but will also be used to manage the cloud infrastructure. This practice is coined as infrastructure as code.



Fluid IT is building cloud native applications and applying continuous delivery since 2014.

Koen Roevens

Seasoned architect, Agile coach, DEVOPS expert

Koen Vriesacker

Frontend wizard, Agile coach, Angular2 expert

Radu Fabian

Java expert, Integration expert, Agile coach

Teodor-Emanuel Ciucă

Passionate full stack developer, reactive µservices enthousiast


Address: Hillaarseik 2 b6 - 2500 Lier - Belgium

VAT: BE 0885.586.640
